Providing 3D printing services, support and professional training
A purpose-built facility designed specifically to simulate flow fields associated with atmospheric winds
The 2.4 x 1.8m wind tunnel facility was designed to test and develop air vehicle performance
Cranfield’s accident investigation laboratory supports the work carried out in the Safety and Accident Investigation Centre
Ddeveloping sustainable metal casting processes
Studying a variety of intake and propulsion integration aerodynamic aspects
One of the best equipped pilot scale energy facilities in the UK
We operate seven wind tunnels under the curatorship of the Aeromechanical Systems Group
Our research involves medium and large aerial platforms, developing algorithms, sensors, communications and network systems
Providing a holistic approach for transformational research in air transportation and air traffic management
Manufactured as part of Environmentally-Friendly Fire Suppression System for Cargo using Innovative Green Technology project
The BLWT is an open circuit, blow-down tunnel which was commissioned, designed, and built by the Aeromechanical Systems Group
Providing design, build and testing spaces devoted to interdisciplinary research across science, engineering and design
We use our class 100,000 clean room to assemble spacecraft payloads for launch into space
The CSWT is a closed section, closed circuit tunnel which has been designed, built and commissioned by the Aeromechanical Systems Group