We are an aeromechanical research group with wide expertise in aeronautical systems.
We specialise in:
- Aerodynamics
- Flight dynamics
- Guidance, control, and navigation
- Aviation safety and airworthiness.
Occupying the Aeronautics Centre the group conducts fundamental research in the disciplines listed above with appllication to manned and autonomous aircraft, and guided weapons.
Together with extensive experimental research facilities and a long history of supporting and graduating higher degree students, the Aeromechanical Systems Group also delivers a wide variety of courses and MSc programmes to the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and to industry.
Supporting your business
The Aeromechanical Systems Group offers a range of education, research and consultancy services within its areas of expertise, from the hire of experimental facilities (such as wind tunnels) and staff, to complete project commissions.
ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ our research
Our current and recent consultancy projects include:
- Racing car testing
- Competition cyclist drag reduction
- Hang-glider pilot and cocoon drag testing
- Wind-loading assessment of structures and components, such as power-line insulators or wind-break material
- Aerodynamic testing of novel ship designs
- Pressure-drop measurements of radiator matrices
- Wind tunnel design
Our current and recent research covers the technology areas of:
- Unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity
- Compressible flows
- Flow control
- Ground effects
- Propulsion and propulsion integration
- Uninhabited air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs, including flapping-wing MAVs)
- Rotorcraft
- Jets
- Cavity flows
- Guided weapons
- Automotive.
Centre for Aeronautics wind tunnels
The Aeromechanical Systems Group operates five wind tunnels at Shrivenham: