Contact Professor Andrew Kakabadse


Andrew is currently Visiting Professor/Scholar in Australian, USA, and Irish Universities. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Management, Fellow of the British Psychology Society and Fellow of the British Academy of Management. Andrew has consulted and lectured in the UK, Europe, USA, SE Asia, China, Japan, Russia, Georgia, the Gulf States, India and Australia. He was also Vice Chancellor of the International Academy of Management and has been Chairman of the Division of Occupational Psychology, British Psychological Society, 2001. Current areas of interest focus on improving the performance of top executives and top executive teams, excellence in consultancy practice, leadership, corporate governance, conflict resolution and international relations. He has databases covering 17 nations and many thousands of private/public/third sector organisations.

Andrew is currently embarked on a major world study of boardroom effectiveness and governance practice. A number of governments are participating in this study, including British Ministers of State. He was awarded a £2 million research grant to examine Governance and Leadership in the private sector and with governments. Andrew has published 38 books, over 210 journal articles and 18 monographs. Best-selling books include: 'Essence of Leadership'; 'Politics of Management'; 'Working in Organisations'; 'The Wealth Creators'. His latest books are entitled, 'Bilderberg People', 'Leading Smart Transformation', 'Rice Wine with the Minister'. Andrew is co-editor of the Journal of Management Development, co-editor of Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society and is an associate editor for Leadership and Organization Development Journal.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
