
Professor Cliff Bowman

Chair in Strategic Management


Cliff specialises in working with clients to establish effective strategies, resolve complex issues, and deliver successful change.


  • Competitive strategy
  • Strategic processes
  • The fundamentals of organising
  • Complex systems
  • Value creation and capture
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • The development and leveraging of strategic assets
  • Business recovery


Cliff works with clients to help them gain and sustain competitive advantage through practical advice on how to create and capture value. A strong believer that strategy should be a practical tool that leads to tangible outcomes that bring value, he is the co-developer of Bowman’s Strategy clock, a model used in marketing to analyse the position of a company.

An elaboration of earlier generic strategies, the model represents eight possible strategies in four quadrants, defined by the axes of price and perceived added value. This creates a star shape reminiscent of a clock face, giving the tool its name.

Having worked in marketing, sales, airport planning and airline economics prior to entering academia, Cliff brings a deep understanding of industry practices and processes to his consultancy work. He is the author of numerous books and articles, and has delivered keynote speeches at conferences around the world.

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