What is Trusted Research?

At Cranfield we want to encourage international collaborations and ensure we are maximising opportunities to do so whilst minimising actual or potential risks that may be associated with these projects.

Trusted Research allows the identification, management and mitigation of potential risks, whilst helping researchers, the University and industry partners to have confidence by making informed decisions about international collaborations.

As a STEM university, where Trusted Research is of particular relevance, we want our researchers to feel fully supported and informed about how to protect their work from theft, misuse or exploitation.

Trusted Research encompasses:

  • Research security,
  • Intellectual property,
  • Export control compliance,
  • Due diligence on potential collaborators,
  • Legal and regulatory compliance.

While Trusted Research applies to STEM subjects, it is also of particular importance in relation to:

  • Dual use technologies,
  • Emerging technologies,
  • Commercially sensitive research areas.

What this means for researchers at Cranfield

To help Cranfield and its research community make informed decisions around research and collaborations, we have developed a robust Trusted Research process whereby researchers are both guided and supported by colleagues with specialist knowledge in research security and compliance whilst simultaneously being encouraged to take personal responsibility in ensuring their research complies with UK legislation by making use of the information sources provided.

For further information on Trusted Research at Cranfield, please contact Trusted-Research@cranfield.ac.uk.