Environmental monitoring programmes are at the heart of how we understand the health of river ecosystems. This PhD research project will apply a political ecology perspective to explore the legitimacy of river monitoring programmes among different communities. The studentship is funded by the Leverhulme Trust through the Connected Waters Leverhulme Doctoral Programme, which is supporting new PhD research on human-environment interactions in freshwater ecosystems. The studentship covers fees and stipend for a home (UK) student for up to four years.

Monitoring provides us with vital insights about how we use rivers and our impacts on them. They are also crucial tools in river governance, providing policy-makers and regulators with evidence to design improvement strategies, benchmark progress, and take enforcement action against infractions. 
As rivers in many parts of the world face increasing stresses due to climate change and other human impacts, interest in river health has grown, pushing monitoring programmes increasingly into the spotlight. At the same time, advancements in sensor technology and deployment mean that much larger ranges and volumes of river health data are becoming available. But questions over which parameters are monitored, how they are measured (and by whom), and the interpretation and transparency of the evidence generated, can significantly shape the legitimacy of monitoring schemes. 
Drawing on a political ecology approach, the aim of this project is to explore the processes through which river monitoring programmes can become legitimised (and de-legitimised) among different communities, how the evidence is mobilised to construct different meanings of river health, and the implications this can have for river governance. The research will be associated with an existing ESRC research project, and will use case studies in the UK, Norway and Canada, with potential for travel to study sites for field work. 
This fully funded studentship is part of the Connected Waters Leverhulme Doctoral Programme, which is funding up to 18 PhD studentships to conduct multidisciplinary research on freshwater ecosystems, across two universities, Cranfield and Roehampton. The programme aims to develop a deeper, holistic understanding of the interactions between humans and the environment to support sustainable solutions to the environmental challenges affecting our river, lake, wetland, and groundwater ecosystems.
To find more information on the programme, please see the official . 

featuring ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥'s Dr Robert Grabowski to find out more.

At a glance

  • Application deadline26 Mar 2025
  • Award type(s)PhD
  • Start date29 Sep 2025
  • Duration of award4 years
  • EligibilityUK
  • Reference numberSWEE0281


1st Supervisor: Dr Heather Smith

2nd Supervisor: Dr Robert Grabowski

Entry requirements

Applicants should have a first or second class UK honours degree or equivalent in a related discipline. 
Ideal candidates should have a background in an environmental discipline and knowledge of both river monitoring techniques (especially for biodiversity) and qualitative social research methods. However, if candidates can demonstrate significant strength in one of these areas, training can be provided to supplement the other component.


This is a fully funded studentship sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust and ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, this Connected Waters Leverhulme Doctoral programme studentship will cover the stipend (£19,237; tax free) and fees for up to 4 years for a home (UK) student. 

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be classified as a home student. We require that applicants are under no restrictions regarding how long they can stay in the UK.

Leverhulme Trust Programme funding
The Connected Waters Doctoral Programme will fund up to 4 home (UK) PhD scholarships starting October 2025 at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥. One of these scholarships can be a Master's plus PhD, which will fund a one-year full-time MSc and then a 4 year-PhD for a candidate that meets the additional eligibility requirements below.
Eligibility requirements for Doctoral Scholarships
Scholars must be registered as full-time PhD students or provide a minimum time commitment of 50%, if part time students, unless the Trust gives explicit permission for this to be varied. Scholars will be subject to the terms and conditions applying to doctoral students within the host institution where they are registered.
Eligibility requirements for Master's Plus Scholarships
To be eligible for the Master’s plus PhD Scholarships, candidates must fulfil the following criteria as specified by the Leverhulme Trust:
  • Be a UK domiciled student
  • Not already have a Master’s degree from the host institution
  • Be from a low-income household background as evidenced by being in receipt of a full maintenance loan or Special Support loan during their undergraduate studies
and/or identify as one of the following categories of ethnicity:


  • Black African
  • Black Caribbean
  • Black Other
  • Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
  • Mixed – White and Black African
  • Other mixed background (including Black African, Black Caribbean and Black Other)

Cranfield Doctoral Network

Research students at Cranfield benefit from being part of a dynamic, focused and professional study environment and all become valued members of the Cranfield Doctoral Network. This network brings together both research students and staff, providing a platform for our researchers to share ideas and collaborate in a multi-disciplinary environment. It aims to encourage an effective and vibrant research culture, founded upon the diversity of activities and knowledge. A tailored programme of seminars and events, alongside our Doctoral Researchers Core Development programme (transferable skills training), provide those studying a research degree with a wealth of social and networking opportunities.

How to apply

For further information please contact: Dr Heather Smith  h.m.smith@cranfield.ac.uk

To apply, please complete the following steps:
  • Download and complete the 
  • Upload your Connect cover form within the Personal Statement section of the 

Please ensure that your fully completed online application form is submitted by the application closing date. All requested documentation should be uploaded to the online form before submission. Your application will not be considered unless all relevant documents have been uploaded

This vacancy may be filled before the closing date so early application is strongly encouraged.

For further information about application please visit Applying for a research degree.