Contact Dr Lanchang Xing
Dr Lanchang Xing is an associate professor in Measurement Techniques and Instruments, China University of Petroleum (East China). He obtained PhD in Process Systems Engineering in 2012 from ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, MSc in Measurement and Automatic Equipment in 2008, and BSc in Automation in 2005, from China University of Petroleum. He worked as a research fellow in the key laboratory of natural gas hydrate in Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology from 2013 to 2014. He is a member of Petroleum Technology and Equipment Committee of China Petroleum Society, and one of the directors of Computer Measurement and Control Association. He sits on the editorial board of the journal of Computer Measurement and Control in China. He has supervised more than 30 MSc research students, and taught courses of Sensors and Process Measurement Instruments, Test Signal Analysis and Processing, and Numerical Simulation for Engineering Detection at China University of Petroleum (East China).
Current activities
Dr Lanchang Xing has been conducting research works covering detection theory and techniques related to multi-phases and multi-components in porous media and pipes based on electrical and ultrasonic means in the fields of energy. Both experimental and numerical works are included in his group. He has led a wide range of research projects funded by the Chinese government and industries such as NSFC, PetroChina, SinoPec, CNOOC, and established a high profile in his research areas. His recent works involve the evaluation of hydrate-bearing marine sediments for the exploitation of natural gas hydrate and monitoring of CO2 migration in formations for CCS/CCUS.