This is a service we can provide for Cranfield alumni.

We can provide you with replacement documentation if you lose them or need extra copies. There is a charge for some services.

Cranfield alumni can get replacement degree certificates, transcripts of results, authentication of degree certificates and confirmation statements.

Following a considerable increase in the number of requests for transcripts, ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, in line with most other UK institutions, has introduced a scale of charges and guidelines for each type of evidence of award, these are outlined below.

To request a service, please read the information below on your chosen service and complete the web form to request your documentation. 

In the unlikely event that we are unable to provide the service you have purchased, a full refund will be given.

If you are an alumni of Silsoe campus, please use the web form to request documentation. 

Please take care to ensure that you are viewing and entering the correct information.

If you graduated before 1999 information may be limited.

Confirmation statements

We can produce letters of confirmation of a student’s registration and award, free of charge. Confirmation letters are normally dispatched within 5 working days.

Request this service by completing an .

Replacement degree certificates

If you need confirmation of your degree, you can request a letter (free of charge) or request a replacement certificate.

The cost of a replacement degree certificate is £50 plus £5 per additional copy (provided they are ordered at the same time) and it will normally be dispatched within 5 working days from receipt of payment.

Request this service by completing an .


Transcripts are £25, plus £2.50 per additional copy (provided they are ordered at the same time). Transcripts include a list of subjects studied, and grades achieved and, for those registered after October 1999, marks will be given. Transcripts will normally be dispatched within 10 working days of receipt of payment.

Request this service by completing an .

Authentication of degree certificates

If you need a degree certificate certified to show that it came from ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, we do not charge for this service. Confirmation is normally dispatched within 5 working days.

You will need to provide a copy of the original certificate via email – please email a scanned copy of your certificate to the Registry department.

Payment details

Payment may be made by credit card and debit card via our payment page.

Please note that some requests can only be processed on receipt of payment.

Who to contact to request a service

If you previously studied at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, either Bedfordshire campus or Shrivenham, the Registry department will process your request for documentation.

If you have any queries on how to request our services, please make sure that you read all of the relevant information given on this page as it may answer your question.

If you cannot find what you need, please contact us.

Registry Services