Under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ publishes this document to enable members of the public to more easily find the information they are seeking and give guidance as to what information is readily available and where to find it.

  • The scheme which follows represents the gateway to information about ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, its structure, operating methods and activities.
  • ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ is addressing the Act as a means of providing greater openness and accountability.
  • ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ has a decentralized administrative structure and culture. The university comprises some central administration and autonomous academic areas known as “schools”. Schools have their own administrative teams, who work with central administration.
  • Beyond a core subset of essential information there is a variation in practice in records creation and information dispersal by each school.
  • It has been agreed that it is desirable to publish as much information as possible by the web. This information will be provided in the form of central information and school specific information.
  • If requested, printed information can be supplied, but may be subject to a charge.
  • Any questions or queries regarding this publication should be addressed to:
    Freedom of Information Officer, ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL.

Rights of access

From 1 January 2005 you have the right, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to request any information (subject to certain exemptions) held by a public authority, including ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, which they have not already made available through their publication scheme. Requests have to be made in writing and in general public authorities will have 20 working days to respond. Public authorities may charge a fee, which will have to be calculated according to Fees Regulations. Public authorities are not required to release information to which an exemption in the Act legitimately applies.


The Act stipulates that there may be a number of occasions when a public authority does not need to make information freely available. These exemptions include, for example, when to make information available would breach the Data Protection Act or national security. However ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥'s policy is to disclose as much information about its activities on its website in the spirit of openness befitting the organisation.

Refusal of a request

Should we refuse a request for further information on the grounds of one or more of the exemptions and you feel this has been inappropriate you may challenge our refusal and ultimately complain to the .


Printed information on courses and services offered by the University is available free of charge, as are packs issued to people responding to notices of job vacancies. All of the documents listed on this publication scheme that can be viewed online or sent electronically will be free of charge. For hard copies of information contained in the publication scheme, or for information that is not included in the scheme, and is not exempt under the conditions set out in the act, a fee may be charged in accordance with the terms of the Act. This will be decided on an individual basis depending upon how much work is involved in accessing the information that has been requested and the cost of producing it. The basis of this charge will be a charge of 5p per page for documents over 15 pages (documents up to 15 pages will be sent free of copying charges). For information that has to be accessed and collated an additional charge of £25 per hour or part thereof per person will be levied up to a maximum of £450.

An applicant will be informed of any fees that will be charged before an enquiry is processed.

Under the terms of the Act an applicant then has 3 months to pay the fee or it will be assumed that the information is no longer required.

FOI Publication Scheme for ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥

Who we are and what we do

Key facts and figures 
Vision and Mission 
 Legal framework
 Ordinances - governance
 Ordinance - staff matters
 Institutional Organisation
 Corporate Social Responsibility and Policies
 History of the University
 Information on Our Campuses
 Members of Audit Committee - University Intranet
 Members of Council
 Terms of reference, membership and description of Faculty Boards of the University - Outlined in Regulation 3 (see link above)
 Terms of reference, membership and description of Senate - Outlined in Ordinance 4 (see link above)
 Terms of reference, membership and description of Senate's Teaching Committee - Not published. University secure intranet: > ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ us > Teaching Committee. Contact teachingcommittee@cranfield.ac.uk for information 
 Research (Defence & Security) - Electronic/Hard
 Research (Engineering & Aerospace) - Electronic/Hard
 Research (Environment Science & Manufacturing) - Electronic/Hard
 Research (Management) - Electronic/Hard
 Research (Medicine & Biosciences) - Electronic/Hard
 Senior Officers of ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥
 Statutory Bodies
 General Contacts
 School of Management
 Advanced Engineering Design Group
 Applied Aerodynamics Group
 Aircraft Design Group
 Crashworthiness, Impact & Structural Mechanics Group
 Department of Air Transport
 Department of Automotive Engineering
 Department of Engineering Computing
 Centre of Fluid Mechanics and Scientific Computing
 Centre of Engineering Photonics
 Department of Integrated Systems
 Department of Offshore, Process and Energy Engineering
 Department of Power and Propulsion
 Industrial Ergonomics and Human Factors Group
 Driving Research Group
 Dynamics, Simulations and Control Group
 Offshore Renewable Energy Group
 Systems Engineering Group
 Space Research Centre
 Cranfield Defence & Security
 Department of Engineering and Applied Science
 Department of Informatics and Systems Engineering
 Department of Management and Security
 Lists of and information regarding organisations for which the University is Responsible
 Cranfield Group Companies
 Financial Accounts
 Cranfield Students' Association Constitution - Electronic
 Student Activities
 Cranfield Students' Association Audited Accounts - Electronic 
 Cranfield Students' Association Constitution - Electronic

What we spend and how we spend it

 Treasury Management Policy - Hard
 Budgetry & Account Information
 Financial Accounts
 Financial Audit Reports
 External Audit Report (included in Financial Accounts)
 Minutes of Audit Committee - Electronic
 Capital Programme
 Financial regulations & Procedures
 Business Expense Policy - University Intranet
 Business Expense Policy (Guidance for employees at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥) - University Intranet
 Disposal or Sale of University Property - University Intranet
 Financial Manual (Summary) - University Intranet
 Financial Manual Section one - General Policies - University Intranet
 Financial Manual Section two - Universities Procedures - University Intranet
 Internal Audit Terms of Reference - University Intranet
 Policy for Prevention of Fraud - University Intranet
 Policy on Corporate Cards - Hard 
 Treasury Management Policy - University Intranet
 Value for Money Strategy - University Intranet
 Staff Pay & Grading Structures
 Pay and Benefits - University Intranet
 Pay Framework - University Intranet
 Register of Suppliers
 Estates and Site Services Contractor information sheets - Electronic
 List available on request - Electronic
 Procurement & Tender Procedures and Reports
 ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Procurement 
 IT Equipment Procurement and Disposal Policy - University Intranet 
 Latest Tenders - University Intranet
 Purchasing Guidelines - University Intranet
 Purchasing Guidelines Appendix: Summary - University Intranet 
 Research Funding
 Statement of Financial Best Practice for Research, Design, Development & Consultancy Contracts - University Intranet
 Summary of Statement of Financial Best Practice for Research, Design, Development & Consultancy Contracts - University Intranet

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual Report
Corporate & Business Plans
Strategic Plan 2006/07 - 2010/11 - University Intranet
Strategic Plan Overview - University Intranet
Strategy in relation to Widening Participation - University Intranet
Teaching & Learning Strategy
Learning and Teaching Strategy, 2012-2015 - Not published: University secure intranet: >Research, Learning and Teaching > Learning and Teaching Strategy 2012-2015. Contact senate@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Academic Quality & Standards
Additional Guidance (Handbooks) to supplement University Regulations
Statement on annual and periodic monitoring of academic provision - additional information not published: University secure intranet: > Services > Academic Services > Advice and Guidance to Staff. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk 
Review reports of annual and periodic monitoring of academic provision - Not published: contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Annual reports of external examiners of taught course provision - Not published: contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Statement on criteria reviewed when considering new academic provision
Qualitative criteria for the marking of assessed work
Outcomes of national and internal pan-University student satisfaction surveys
Programme specifications (course summaries) of all taught courses (2011 to present)
Partnerships involving Academic Provision
Policies and procedures for the management of partnerships involving academic provision - Not published: University secure intranet: > Services > Academic Services > Advice and Guidance to Staff. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Register of partnerships involving academic provision - Not published: contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Register of recruitment agents - Not published: contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
Corporate Relations
European Partnership Programme
Institute of Clinical Research India
Government & Regulatory Reports
Key Facts and Figures
Queen's Award
School of Management rankings
School of Management accreditation
 Student Statistics

How we make decisions

 Minutes from Governing Body, Council, Senate, Academic Boards & Steering Groups 
 Minutes of Aerospace External Advisory Committee - Electronic
 Minutes of Council - Electronic
 Minutes of Court - Electronic
 Minutes of Faculty (Defence & Security) - Electronic
 Minutes of Faculty (Engineering & Aerospace) - Electronic
 Minutes of Faculty (Environment Science & Manufacturing) - Electronic
 Minutes of Faculty (Management) - Electronic
 Minutes of Faculty (Medicine & Biosciences) - Electronic
 Minutes of Public Relations Forum - Electronic
 Minutes of Senate - Not published: University secure intranet: > ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ us > Senate. Contact senate@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Minutes of Senate's Teaching Committee - Not published: University secure intranet: > ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ us > Teaching Committee. Contact teachingcommittee@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Minutes of Doctoral Training Centres Committee - Not published, but stored electronically. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Minutes of Student Wellbeing Committee - Not published, but stored electronically. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Minutes of the Continuous Improvement Working Group - Electronic
 Note to all staff from the Executive - Electronic
 Minutes of Web and Brand Regeneration Project Steering Group - Electronic
 Teaching & Learning Committee Minutes
 Minutes of Staff / Student Consultation Meetings
 These are held at course level and are available for the relevant course on request - Electronic
 Appointment Committee & Procedures
 Appointment of Staff - University Intranet
 Conduct of Interviews - University Intranet
 Disability Equality Scheme Action Plan - University Intranet
 Disability Policy - Code of Practice - University Intranet
 Disability Policy Implementation Procedures - University Intranet
 Diversity - Code of Practice on Valuing Diversity - University Intranet
 Gender Reassignment (Transexual) Policy - University Intranet
 Interview Boards - Minimum Constitution of - University Intranet
 Race Equality Policy - University Intranet
 Sexual Orientation - Employment Equality Regulations - University Intranet

Our policies and procedures

Policies & procedures for conducting University business
Council Codes of Practice
Data Protection Coordinators - University Intranet
Data Protection Policy - University Intranet
E-Policy - University Intranet
 Freedom of Information (FOI)
 Internal Audit Follow Up - University Intranet
 Internal Audit Process - University Intranet
 Email Usage Guidelines - University Intranet
 Standing Orders of The Council - Electronic
 Terms of Reference Audit Committee - Electronic
 Terms of Reference Finance Committee - Electronic
 Terms of reference Nominations Committee - Electronic
 Terms of Reference Remuneration Committee - Electronic
Procedures & policies relating to academic services
 Additional Guidance to Students to supplement University Regulations - Not published: University secure intranet: > ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ us > Students. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student VLEs - University Intranet
 Terms of Reference for Honorary Degrees Committee - Electronic
Procedures & Policies relating to student services
 Careers Service Careers Policy
 Careers Service Mission Statement
 Careers Service Services for Students
 Student complaints - outlined in Regulation 26. Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact appeals@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student academic appeals - Outlined in Regulations 57 and 66. Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact appeals@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student disciplinary procedures, including academic misconduct - outlined in Regulations 24 and 25. Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact appeals@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student dignity - Outlined in Regulation 22. Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact appeals@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student rights and responsibilities - outlined in Regulations 21 and 23. Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Student admissions policies, including accreditation of prior learning - outlined in Regulations 42. Additional information not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact study@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Cranfield Campus Student Accommodation
 Diversity Annual Report
 General Handbook for Students (includes Student Behaviour, Cheating & Plagiarism) - Not published: University secure intranet: >Students. Contact qualityassurance@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Information for Students with Disabilities - University Intranet
Policy for Supporting Dyslexic Students and those with Specific Learning Difficulties - University Intranet
Race Equality Action Plan with specific reference to students - University Intranet
Shrivenham Student Accommodation
 Student Mental Health Implementation Procedure - University Intranet
Procedures & Policies relating to Human Resources
 Additional Posts - University Intranet
 Adoption - University Scheme - University Intranet
 Adoption Leave (Statutory) - University Intranet
 Appointments - University Intranet
 Attendance & Absence Policy & Procedure - University Intranet
 Closure Days - University Intranet
 Continuous Service Policy - University Intranet
 Dependant Leave - University Intranet
 Dignity at Work Policy - University Intranet
 Disability Policy - Code of Practice - University Intranet
 Disciplinary Policy - University Intranet
 Diversity - Code of Practice on Valuing Diversity - University Intranet
 Drug & Alcohol Policy - University Intranet
 Emeritus Professors - University Intranet
 Employee Handbook - University Intranet
 Family Friendly Provisions - University Intranet
 Fixed Term & Temporary Workers - University Intranet
 Flexible Working Policy - University Intranet
 Flexible Working - Homeworking Policy - University Intranet
 Gender Reassignment (Transsexual) Policy - University Intranet
 Grievance Procedure - University Intranet
 Holidays - Statutory & Customary - University Intranet
 Interview Boards - Minimum Constitution of - University Intranet
 Inventions, Patents And Intellectual Property Rights - University Intranet
 IVF Treatment - University Intranet
 Keeping in Touch Days Policy - University Intranet
 Leave - Other - University Intranet
 Long Service Award - University Intranet
 Maternity Provisions - University Intranet
 Maternity Leave - Statutory (2007) - University Intranet
 Maternity Leave - University Scheme (2007) - University Intranet
 Overseas Working Guidance - University Intranet
 Overtime - University Intranet
 Parental Leave Scheme - University Intranet
 Paternity Leave - University Intranet
 Paternity Leave (Statutory Adoption) - University Intranet
 Pay and Benefits - University Intranet
 Pay Framework - University Intranet
 Performance Development Review - University Intranet
 Probation - University Intranet
 Professional Conduct - University Intranet
 Promotion - University Intranet
 Race Equality Policy - University Intranet
 Redundancy & Redeployment - University Intranet
 Religion & Belief - Employment Equality Regulations - University Intranet
 Relocation - University Intranet
 Retirement - University Intranet
 Senior Appointments Committee Handbook - University Intranet
 Sexual Orientation - Employment Equality Regulations - University Intranet
 Sickness - See Attendance and Absence Policy - University Intranet
 Sick Pay Allowance - University Intranet
 Smoking Policy - University Intranet
 Staff Consultancies - University Intranet
 Statutory Adoption Leave - University Intranet
 Stress Prevention Policy - University Intranet
 Teacher and Academic Status - University Intranet
 Termination of Appointments - University Intranet
 Training - University Intranet
 University Financial Procedures - University Intranet
 University Paternity Leave (Adoption) - University Intranet
 University Safety Policy - University Intranet
 Visiting Posts - University Intranet
 Wellbeing - University Intranet
 Whistleblowing - University Intranet
 Procedures & policies relating to recruitment
 Appointments - University Intranet
 Interview Boards - Minimum Constitution of - University Intranet
 Job Categories
 Relocation - University Intranet
Code of Conduct for Members of Governing Bodies
 Code of Conduct for Members of Governing Bodies
Equality & diversity
 Annual Diversity Report
 Dignity at Work - Harassment Complaints Procedure - University Intranet
 Dignity at Work Policy - University Intranet
 Disability Policy - Code of Practice - University Intranet
 Diversity - Code of Practice on Valuing Diversity - University Intranet
 Flexible Working - Homeworking Policy - University Intranet
 Flexible Working Policy - University Intranet
 Gender Reassignment (Transexual) Policy - University Intranet
 Religion & Belief - Employment Equality Regulations - University Intranet
 Sexual Orientation - Employment Equality Regulations - University Intranet
 Student Mental Health Implementation Procedures - University Intranet
 Wellbeing - University Intranet
Health & safety
 Accident etc Investigation - Electronic
 Asbestos: Policy for Management and Control - Electronic
 Energy and Carbon Plan
 Contractor Authorisation, Safety Certificate and Work Permits
 Control of Contractors - Electronic
 CoSHH - University Intranet
 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification and Evaluation Policy - University Intranet
 Environmental Impact Statements - Electronic
 Environmental Manual - Electronic
 Environmental Policy
 General Risk Assessment - University Intranet
 Investigation Reporting - University Intranet
 Laser Safety - Electronic
 Lone Working Policy and Guidance - University Intranet
 Minutes of Cross Functional Implementation Team - Electronic
 Minutes of Senior Environmental Management Team - Electronic
 Minutes of University Health, Safety and Environment Committee - Electronic
 Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action - University Intranet
 Occupational Health Policy - University Intranet
 Off-site Working - Electronic
 Organisation and Arrangements for Stress Prevention - Electronic
 Organisation and Arrangements for Student Safety - Electronic
 Organisation and Arrangement for the Management of Environment - Electronic
 Organisation and Arrangements for the Management of H&S - Electronic
 Organisation and Arrangements for the Management of Occupational Health - Electronic
 Portable Appliance Testing - University Intranet
 Pre-Employment Screening - Electronic
 Safety, Health & Environment Policies, Organisation and Arrangements - Electronic
 SHE Co-ordinators - University Intranet
 Spill/Leak Containment and Control - University Intranet
 Stress Prevention Policy - Electronic
 Student Project Work - Electronic
 The Control of Discharges to Sinks and Foul Drains - University Intranet
 The Management of Laboratory Waste - University Intranet
 Walkthrough Safety Inspection - University Intranet
 Working with Display Safety Equipment - University Intranet
Estate management
 Buildings and Infrastructure
 Campus Asbestos Procedures - Electronic
 Carbon Management Programme, Case for Action - Electronic
 Energy and Carbon Plan
 Contractors Guidelines and Rules - Electronic
 Energy and Water - University Intranet 
 Estates and Site Services Supplier Questionnaire - Electronic
 Estates Strategy - Hard
 Facilities Emergency Plan - Electronic
 Fire Manual - Electronic
 Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines - Electronic
 Legionella Management Policy - Electronic
 Permit to Work Procedures - Electronic
 Postal Services - University Intranet
 Property and Technical Services - University Intranet
 Responsibilities for Waste Recycling/Collection - Electronic
 Safe Working Procedures - Electronic
 Security Services - University Intranet
 Stores - University Intranet
 Transport Services - University Intranet
Complaints policy
 Appeals Procedure re Freedom of Information Requests
 Environmental Communications/Complaints - Electronic
 Grievance Procedure - University Intranet
 Health and Safety Alert Form - Electronic
 IT Complaints Procedure - University Intranet
 Procedure for Dealing with Complaints from Students - Outlined in Regulation 26, Additional  information not published: University secure intranet: > Students. Contact appeals@cranfield.ac.uk for information
 Residential Services Service Level Statement Section 6 Feedback - Electronic
 Whistleblowing - University Intranet
Records management and personal data policies
IT users policy and procedures
Password policy and guidance for IT systems
Information security guidance documents
Information Security Policy - University Intranet
IT Complaints Procedure - University Intranet
Research policy & strategy
 Ethics Committee Audit - University Intranet
 Ethics Committee Background - University Intranet
 Ethics Committee Constitution - University Intranet
 Ethics Committee Terms of Reference - University Intranet
 Proposal for ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Research Ethics Committees - University Intranet
 Research Assessment Exercise 2008 (RAE 2008) - University Intranet
Charging regimes & policies
 Charges for FOI requests are given at the beginning of this Scheme

Lists and registers

 Information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers 
 Asset registers
 Asset Registers and Disposals or Sale of University Property - University Intranet
 Title and Boundary Report - Electronic
 University Asset Register - University Intranet
 Disclosure logs
 Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior personnel
 Any register of interests kept in the University
 Criteria for Consent - University Intranet
 Introduction - University Intranet
 Joint Ventures of the University and Faculty Members - University Intranet
 Policy for Directorships, Consultancies & Remunerated Outside Work - University Intranet
 Register of Interests Council Members - Electronic

The services we offer

Prospectus - electronic
Course fees - course fees are provided on web pages and in the prospectus on each individual course offered by the University.
For information on specific courses see Taught Courses below.
Services for outside bodies
NFLC Flying Laboratory - electronic
Course content
Module Descriptors are available for all taught courses on request -
course fees are provided on web pages and in the prospectus on each individual course offered by the University
School of Management Executive Development
Short courses/CPD
Welfare and counselling
Life at Cranfield -
additional information not published: University secure intranet: Students. Contact studentadvice@cranfield.ac.uk
Careers Service Careers Policy
Careers Service Mission Statement
;Careers Service Services for Employers
Careers Service Services for Students
Careers Service Services for the University and its Staff
Religious facilities
 Cranfield campus chapel and mosque - additional information not published: University secure intranet: > Students. Contact studentadvice@cranfield.ac.uk
 Services for which the University is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees
 Sports & recreational services
 Sports and social
 Sports facilities leaflets - hard copy
Museums, libraries, special collections and archives
 Annual report
MIRC website
Refworks - University Intranet
Conferencing and accommodation
 Cranfield campus student accommodation
 ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ at Shrivenham
Mitchell Hall
Training facilities - see Conferencing
 Advice and guidance
 Student advice: How to apply
 Student advice: Fees and funding
 Student advice: International students
 Student advice: Arrival and registration
 Student advice: Life at Cranfield
 Student advice: Doctoral Training Centre
 School of Applied Sciences
 School of Management
 School of Engineering - see below:
 Aerodynamics, Performance and Control Group
 Aircraft Design Group
 Cranfield Biotechnology Centre Business Unit
 Crashworthiness, Impact and Structural Mechanics Group
 Department of Aerospace Engineering
 Department of Air Transport
 Centre of Applied Mechanics
 Transport Systems
 Department of Engineering Computing
 Centre of Engineering Photonics
 Centre of Fluid Mechanics and Scientific Computing
 Department of Integrated Systems
 Department of Offshore, Process and Energy Engineering
 Department of Power and Propulsion
 Driving Research Group
 Offshore Renewable Energy Group
 Process Systems Engineering Group
 Cranfield Defence and Security - see below:
 Aeronautics Centre
 Centre for International Security and Resilience
 Centre for Systems Engineering
 Department of Informatics and Systems Engineering
 Forum (monthly newsletter of School of Management)
 Perspectives (in-house magazine) - hard copy
 Management Focus (magazine of Cranfield School of Management)
 Knowledge into Action
School of Management news releases
School of Management Expert Comment
Knowledge Interchange
 Working with ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥
 Local campaigns
 Media releases
 News headlines
 Press releases
 ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Press
 ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Business Incubation Centre
 Technical Facilities at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥
Car parking overview - University Intranet
Mother Vehicle and Traffic Regulations 2007/08 - University Intranet