Attend an upcoming led by Course Director, Dr Stefano Tedeschi. During this webinar, we will share insights into the programme both in terms of how it's structured but also the content that will be covered. There will also be time for Q&A.
This part-time programme meets the requirements of the Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist Apprenticeship Standard. Eligible organisation’s are able to use £21,000 of their Apprenticeship Levy to cover the MSc tuition fee. We also accept students through the non-apprenticeship route.
- Start dateOctober
- Duration24 months part-time
- DeliveryTaught modules 80 credits, group project 40 credits, individual practical project 80 credits.
- QualificationMSc
- Study typeExecutive
Who is it for?
This course is novel as it brings together technical and management skills in the digital transformation theme. Our differentiator will be to go through an end to end digitalisation journey. This involves capturing requirements, designing the suitable solution, developing the data and analytics capability, visualising the solutions to alternative stakeholders, and finally the integration and assurance of the solutions. . The unique selling point of the course is to move beyond raising awareness of digital technologies and solutions, in to developing individuals to have the required capability and understanding to develop suitable solutions to key industrial challenges.
Across sectors, for those who recognise the potential for a long and successful career utilising digital technologies and solutions . This course addresses the need for highly trained professionals for sectors that rely on digital technologies and solutions. It focuses on how to enable the transformation into world-class products and processes. The course is is suitable for:
- Early and mid-career professionals who want a “real-world” education that they can apply directly to their workplace.
- Second career professional seeking a change into a digitally driven organisation.
- Those on a trajectory to reach senior leadership roles that would like to gain insights in digital technologies and solutions.
Explore our Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship MSc
I applied for the MSc to formalise my previous data analysis experience, current and previous roles in the digital space, alongside future leadership aspirations. The course combines the technical, operational, strategic and people centric approach necessary for her my role in transforming digital manufacturing. So far, it has helped bring together my understanding of how everything fits together. This has been critical for me, as someone without an engineering or manufacturing background.
The two specialist routes really allow students to customise their studies to best suit their workplace and career. The landscape of digital technologies is constantly evolving and this course truly prepares you to make an impact in your organisation through its applied approach to tackle the challenges of today and the future. The course is taught by a mixture of academics and industry professionals ensuring that we meet both the academic rigour and provide an understanding of the practical opportunities.
Informed by industry
The course has been heavily informed by industry with over 25 organisations across sectors involved in its design. We have taken on board the need for a practical experience throughout the programme. This has influenced the way in which we deliver our lectures with a blend of knowledgeable practitioners, and highly experienced academics offering real-life relevant use cases, and challenges to work on. All outputs across the programme are focused on developing impactful outputs to implement at the sponsor organisations. A large proportion of the course is delivered online in order to reduce the need to travel.
Key information
The Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship MSc is structured to allow maximum benefit from learning with minimum time away from the working environment.
Benefits for businesses
- Establish new mechanisms to justify new investments in digital technologies and solutions.
- Seize the potential opportunities that digital technologies and solutions offer by developing the skills required to develop and apply innovative approaches within your organisation.
- Enhance approaches for data collection, storage and analytics for better decisions.
- Gain an appreciation of how simulation methods can be applied to enhance business enterprises.
- Develop a wide understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning based approaches which derives higher confidence in predictions.
- understanding of how to develop leadership capabilities in themselves, and others, enabling them to meet your business challenges.
- Candidates are encouraged to think strategically about digital technologies and solutions as enabling capability for delivering a competitive advantage to the business, and ensuring organisational functions and groups are motivated and aligned to meet objectives.
Benefits for individuals
- Join a programme that provides new insights, knowledge and skills in digital technologies and solutions that can shape your future career and prepare you for future senior leader roles.
- Develop your understanding of best practice in digital technologies and solutions in order to improve operational effectiveness.
- Develop digital technology and solutions that enable the delivery of innovation and performance improvement.
- Develop a strategic mindset for the execution of growth strategies and achievement of business objectives enabled by digital technologies and solutions.
- Apply your newly acquired knowledge, skills and abilities immediately in your workplace.
- Study with a cohort of talented professionals drawn from a range of industries and backgrounds, building your network and giving insights into international practice.
- Become a member of our alumni network and join a network of 67,000+ across 169 countries.
How we teach you
The course is composed of three core parts:
- Eight compulsory modules spread between months 1 and 16. The taught content spreads over 5 days for each module. Modules 1 and 8 are delivered in person from Monday to Friday. Modules 2-7 are delivered online, between Wednesday and Tuesday, where we have the weekend as a break. Friday’s we typically finish the modules at around 13.00.
- Group project between months 6 and 12. This comprises 4 to 6 people working on a project that is practically relevant and impactful, and typically relates to real industry challenges.
- Individual practical project (IPP – for apprentices) / individual research project (IRR – for non-apprentices). The student, in collaboration with the employer and the university will determine an individual project that is aligned to their day-to-day job and offers to make a significant impact on the business. This business-related project will run between months 14 and 24 and will be written up as a report between months 21 and 24. During months 20 and 21 time will be allocated to the gateway assessments (for apprentices) and presentation preparation (for non-apprenticeship students). Apprenticeship students will need to complete the End Point Assessment between months 21 and 24.
Apprenticeship students, throughout the whole course, will need to provide evidence for the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs). KSBs are mapped for each credit-bearing part of the course and students will need to reflect on their learning and demonstrate how they have been able to make an impact in their organisation according to this mapping. The End-Point Assessment (EPA) element will be assessed through the individual practical project report and the professional discussion. In the report, students will need to highlight how each KSB has been addressed. Similarly, in the professional discussion, the KSBs need to be evidenced through a portfolio of evidence.
The apprenticeship students will quarterly have tripartite meetings with their apprenticeship tutor, and their company sponsor to discuss their progress against the KSBs, and will have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and the impact that they are making in the sponsor organisation.
Awards on completion
On successful completion, the student will be awarded:
- The Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship
- MSc in Digital and Technology Solutions
Fees for MSc progression route
Our Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship is an MSc-integrated programme spread over 24 months. In England, it is aligned to the L7 apprenticeship standard on Digital and Technology Solutions. This means that organisations that fulfil the conditions for the Apprenticeship Levy will have the tuition fees covered in full on this course.
It is also possible register on the programme as an MSc student without going through the apprenticeship route.
We also offer the modules as short courses on this MSc course.
Meet the Course Director
If you are unable to attend one of our University Open Days but would like to discuss the Digital Engineering and Solutions programme, please get in touch.
During your discussion you will have the opportunity to:
- meet the Course Director
- discover more about the course content
- find out how you can use your company's Apprenticeship Levy towards this Cranfield MSc
- learn about our manufacturing faculty
We would be happy to arrange a virtual discussion via MS Teams or Zoom.
I look forward to discussing Digital Engineering and Solutions and how it can benefit you and your business with you soon.
Course details
The course aligns with the Master's Level Apprenticeship in Digital and Technology Solutions with the following targeted occupational streams: ‘Data Analytics Specialist’ and ‘Digital Business & Enterprise Systems Architecture Specialist’. The course is delivered over 24 months. The course composes of three core parts:
- Eight modules (80 credits – 10 for each module).
- Group project at 40 credits.
- Individual practical project (80 credits).
The modules will typically be spread over 16 months. The group project will run between months 6 and 12, and the individual practical project will be undertaken between months 14 and 24. Developing practical solutions is at the heart of each of these elements, where we will work closely with the sponsor organisations to make the course as impactful as possible for both the student and the organisation. Across the course we will co-design the assessments with the Sponsors in order to develop impactful solutions. Furthermore, the assignments across the modules will be designed to complement each other and lead to the creation of a comprehensive integrated demonstrator.
Course delivery
Taught modules 80 credits, group project 40 credits, individual practical project 80 credits.
Keeping our courses up-to-date and current requires constant innovation and change. The modules we offer reflect the needs of business and industry and the research interests of our staff and, as a result, may change or be withdrawn due to research developments, legislation changes or for a variety of other reasons. Changes may also be designed to improve the student learning experience or to respond to feedback from students, external examiners, accreditation bodies and industrial advisory panels.
To give you a taster, we have listed the compulsory and elective (where applicable) modules which are currently affiliated with this course. All modules are indicative only, and may be subject to change for your year of entry.
Course modules
Compulsory modules
All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.
Adaptive Visualisation
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Digital Integration and System Testing
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Introduction to Digital Engineering
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Digital Twins
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Integrated Data Management
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Digitally Enabled Servitisation
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Digitalisation of Cost Engineering
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Digital Business Analysis
Aim |
Syllabus |
Intended learning outcomes |
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Teaching team
You will be taught by a wide range of subject specialists here and from outside the University who draw on their research and industrial experience to provide stimulating and relevant input to your learning experience. Many of the lecturers have worked in industry themselves, some at Managing Director level, and have experience of leading the design, development and implementation of digital engineering and solutions. Guest lecturers include speakers with experience from a range of sectors such as aerospace, defence, management consultancy, automotive, rail, and software. Excellent staff to student ratios lead to focused discussion about real-world issues in implementing operations excellence. The Course Director and Admissions Tutor for this programme is Dr Stefano Tedeschi.
Your career
The Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship MSc will enable you to develop your knowledge, skills and abilities while applying what you learn directly in your workplace. The programme will support your career progression, preparing you to successfully carry out senior leadership roles in the future.
Apart from developing your technical skills, the course will support you to:
- Develop digital engineering skills to make operational and strategic improvements in enterprises and projects.
- Apply digital technologies and solutions to address challenges and introduce innovation.
- Discover and develop your leadership and team-working style.
- Develop and lead change and prepare the business to face future digital transformation.
How to apply
Next steps
If you would like to find out more general information about the course and your eligibility to attend the programme, please arrange a one-to-one discussion with the course director before you make a formal application.
Course director: John Erkoyuncu:
For employer related enquiries, fees and funding, and the expression of interest/application process, please contact our Apprenticeships Team:
Employers: please complete our .
Prospective students: please ask your employer to submit an to indicate their willingness to sponsor you.
Applications for apprenticeship routes have to come via the Expression of Interest form. Apprenticeship applications received via the application button on the non-apprenticeship pages will not be processed.