Manufacturing and Materials Excellence Scholarship - available to recognise academic success and open to applicants from anywhere in the world. Three levels of merit-based award are available - Platinum: >40% of tuition fee, Gold: 20-39% of tuition fee, Silver: up to 19% of tuition fee. Find out more
The 2050 climate change agenda for sustainable aviation and ‘race to space’ requires specialist engineers supporting the drive towards a more sustainable aerospace industry. There is a need for talented employees with materials expertise, to support moving to sustainable aviation fuels, disruptive aircraft and spacecraft designs and transitioning from a carbon-based to a hydrogen-based economy, and a broad range of technical skills.

The MSc in Aerospace Materials develops specialist skills to enhance and design new materials for next-generation aircraft and spacecraft. You will play a major role in addressing environmental impact and sustainability within the sector and gain access to teaching and research geared towards decarbonising aviation. The course will develop knowledge-based skills to open innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities pivotal for long term career prospects and developing clean technology and societal benefit.


  • Start dateFull-time: October. Part-time: throughout the year
  • DurationFull-time MSc - one year, Part-time MSc - up to three years, Full-time PgCert - one year, Part-time PgCert - two years, Full-time PgDip - one year, Part-time PgDip - two years
  • DeliveryTaught modules 40%, Group project 20% (dissertation for part-time students), Individual project 40%
  • QualificationMSc, PgDip, PgCert
  • Study typeFull-time / Part-time
  • CampusCranfield campus

Who is it for?

We welcome students from a range of engineering and science backgrounds, including students who have previously graduated in materials sciences, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering and more. Typically, students on the MSc are have a keen interest in aerospace. We also welcome professionals with industry experience, for example with aerospace engineering backgrounds or aircraft technicians.

Why this course?

There is demand for engineering graduates with specialist skills to help shape the future aerospace industry. During the Aerospace Materials MSc you will cover the improvement and development of materials for aviation applications and space systems, including materials for airframe, aeroengine and the increased use of smart and functional materials. As part of your learning experience, you will consider sustainable approaches for materials and energy solutions for next generation aircraft and space systems, as well as the impact and requirement for alternative propulsion.

A high proportion of the course is assessed by research, and you will have access to an immense choice of industry-led projects, giving you enhanced exposure to employers and gaining experience in real-world application. You will focus on tools and techniques for managing and selecting materials and will have abundant opportunity for gaining hands on experience with the technology.

Our research centres in Surface Engineering and Precision, Composites and Advanced Materials, and Welding and Additive Manufacturing are integrated into the delivery of the course through our research and teaching teams, who are passionate in sharing their knowledge and experience in materials for aerospace.

The course attracts a range of students from across the world which allows us to foster a highly collaborative environment in which students share their thoughts and ideas, working as a group and developing skills that enhance their employability.

The MSc in Aerospace Materials combines Cranfield's long-standing expertise for delivering high-quality Masters' programmes in both aerospace and materials. Our courses receive strong support from the global aerospace industry, both the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) such as Airbus, BAE systems, Safran and Rolls-Royce, as well as their tiers of supplier. There is a strong emphasis on applying knowledge in the industrial environment, as with appropriate facilities such as Henry Royce Institute, and all teaching is in the context of industrial application.

My favourite thing about studying at Cranfield is the opportunities you have to work closely with business leaders such as Rolls Royce. As our project sponsor, we visited their work site which gave us a better understanding of the real working conditions. It was invaluable experience. 
This course at Cranfield is very well-known in the Aerospace field. The group project allowed me to understand what working for a company in industry would be like and to co-operate with others in my group to find a solution to a real problem. I don’t know any other university that has this opportunity. My dream was to work in the aerospace field and I knew that Cranfield would enable me to do this as I have now secured a job.
The research part of the MSc greatly exceeded what I expected. Both the group and the individual projects were invaluably enriching experiences, and the main reason I decided to come back to undertake an EngD.
There aren't many universities that offer programs about materials and processes used for the aerospace industry. Cranfield's reputation with industry links and having access to an on-site airport is incomparable compared to other universities.

Informed by Industry

The course is designed to meet the training needs of the aerospace industry and has a strong input from experts in their sector. The Industrial Advisory Board meets during the year to advise on course content, acquisition skills and other attributes which are deemed desirable from graduates of the course.

Panel members include professionals from organisations such as:

GE Aerospace, Siemens Energy,
Harkness Screens, SAFRAN,
Eqonic, Rolls-Royce,
Welding Alloys Group.  

Student Research Projects

Examples of recent MSc research projects selected by students on this course focus on the climate change agenda, developing research which supports responsible aviation and space exploration.

  • The future of hydrogen and decarbonisation of the energy sector.
  • Hydrogen uptake on aluminium alloys for storage applications.
  • Novel sustainable aluminium casting processes for the aerospace manufacturing industry.
  • Technology assessment for inspection of drilling process through sound cameras.
  • Fatigue crack initiation in titanium alloys.
  • Manufacture of ceramic ingots for advanced thermal barrier coating deposition.
  • Fireside corrosion study of heat exchanger materials performance in waste to energy plants.
  • Effects of water vapour on high-temperature cyclic oxidation for green aviation.
  • Composites for space technology: hypervelocity impact resistance of composite material for potential use in space satellites.

Course details

The modules include lectures, workshops, case studies, tutorials and company visits.

Course delivery

Taught modules 40%, Group project 20% (dissertation for part-time students), Individual project 40%

Group project

The group project experience is highly valued by both students and prospective employers. Teams of students work to solve an industrial problem. The project applies technical knowledge and provides training in teamwork and the opportunity to develop non-technical aspects of the taught programme. Part-time students can prepare a dissertation on an agreed topic in place of the group project.

Industrially orientated, our team projects have support from external organisations. As a result of external engagement Cranfield students enjoy a higher degree of success when it comes to securing employment. Prospective employers value the student experience where team working to find solutions to industrially based problems are concerned.

Here's a taste of a few interesting materials related group projects selected by students:

  • - Determination of hydrogen transport properties in engineering alloys via a combined experimental and numerical approach.
  • - In-Situ Molten Salt Corrosion Study for Renewable Technologies: Thermal Batteries and Concentrated Solar Power.
  • - Manufacture of ceramic ingots for advanced Thermal Barrier Coating deposition.
  • - Hydrogen damage in commercial alloys for hydrogen-fuelled engines.
  • - Novel tyre design for electric drive vehicles.
  • - Implantable sensors to assess blood supply and monitor bone healing.
  • - Next generation batteries, beyond lithium.
  • - High productivity aluminium wire and arc additive manufacturing.

Individual project

The individual thesis project, usually in collaboration with an external organisation, offers students the opportunity to develop their research capability, depth of understanding and ability to provide materials technology and engineering solutions to real problems in aerospace.

Here's a few materials related Individual research projects selected by students last year:

  • - High/Hypervelocity Impact Tests for Composite Materials for Potential use in Space Satellites.
  • - Novel coatings for green hydrogen production.
  • - Effect of water vapour on the corrosion of aerospace and automotive components in hydrogen-fuelled engines.
  • - Investigation and optimisation for tribological properties of 3D-printed polymer surfaces.
  • - Manufacturing and Characterization of Titanium Alloy-Alloy Composites using Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing.
  • - High/Hypervelocity Impact Tests for Composite Materials for Potential use in Space Satellites.
  • - Super Hydrophobic Coatings for Aerospace Applications.
  • - SS Great Britain- Decarbonising the unique conservation system for the worlds first iron ship.
  • - High Entropy Alloys for high temperature applications in the aerospace sector.


Keeping our courses up-to-date and current requires constant innovation and change. The modules we offer reflect the needs of business and industry and the research interests of our staff and, as a result, may change or be withdrawn due to research developments, legislation changes or for a variety of other reasons. Changes may also be designed to improve the student learning experience or to respond to feedback from students, external examiners, accreditation bodies and industrial advisory panels.

To give you a taster, we have listed the compulsory and elective (where applicable) modules which are currently affiliated with this course. All modules are indicative only, and may be subject to change for your year of entry.

Course modules

Compulsory modules
All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

Introduction to Materials Engineering

    ​The aim of this module is to enable you to analyse the structure and properties of materials, to relate fabrication processes with structure and properties, assess how this determines materials properties, and apply this knowledge to materials in applications.
    • Introduction to materials: Atomic structure, crystal structure, imperfections, diffusion, mechanical properties, dislocations and strengthening mechanisms, phase diagrams, phase transformations, solidification, corrosion.
    • Basic and alloy steels, tensile behaviour of metals, work and precipitation hardening, recovery and recrystallisation.
    • Structural steels - C-Mn ferrite-pearlite structural steels, specifications and influence of composition, heat treatment and microstructure on mechanical properties. Fracture, weldability and the influence of welding on mechanical properties.
    • Corrosion Resistant Materials - Stainless steels - austenitic, ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless steels- compositions, microstructures, properties.
    • Welding and joining processes, weld metal, heat affected zones and weld cracking.
    • Non-metallic Materials - Polymers and composites manufacturing issues, physical properties and mechanical behaviour. Structure and properties and applications of ceramics.
    • Principles underlying electrical and magnetic properties of materials.
Intended learning outcomes

 On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Analyse material structures on a micro and macro scale, and correlate micro structure to mechanical performance.
  2. 2. Relate the chemical composition, microstructure and processing route for steels and non-ferrous alloys with the resulting mechanical properties.
  3. 3. Compare and contrast fracture, corrosion and welding behaviour for a variety of alloys.
  4. 4. Describe and evaluate a range of manufacturing processes for composites and ceramics and explain important properties of these classes of material with respect to typical applications.
  5. 5. Relate magnetic and electrical behaviour of materials to specific materials.

Sustainable Aerospace

    To evaluate sustainable aerospace issues and materials challenges in processing and performance requirements relevant to aerospace and space applications.
    • - Sustainable and critical aerospace materials and life cycle of materials.
    • - Future Airpower systems (gas turbine, electric, hydrogen) and sustainable aviation issues.
    • - Review requirements for airframe, aero engine and space applications.
    • - Innovative thinking for sustainable aviation. Space environment and materials.
    • - Structural metals e.g. aluminium, magnesium, titanium alloys.
    • - Ceramic and ceramic matrix composites and gas turbine materials.
    • - Structures containing both carbon fibre reinforced composite and metal (hybrids) and composite performance.
    • - Operative environment and corrosion issues.
    • - Phases of a product life cycle.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Explain requirements from classes of aerospace materials for airframe, aero engine and space materials discussing suitability in the context of specific applications.
  2. 2. Select the most appropriate material for parts of a range of aerospace and space craft components considering the likely requirements and issues of sustainability.
  3. 3. Describe methods of processing aerospace materials particularly joining issues and propose suitable routes for selected applications.
  4. 4. Appraise manufacturer’s requirements in the context of product life cycle, maintenance and health monitoring.

Failure of Engineered Assets


    To provide an understanding of why materials and structures fail and how failure conditions can be predicted in metallic and non-metallic components and structures.


    • Definition of failure, complexities in defining failures at different levels and scenarios.

    • Overview of failure in mechanical and electrical components, systems and assets.

    • Failure of materials and structures including Atomic insight of damage in materials, stress concentration, critical energy release rate, Griffiths approach, stress intensity and fracture toughness standards and tutorials.

    • Fatigue in structures and machine components, Paris Law, Crack propagation and useful life estimation.

    • Asset Failures, system and sub-system interdependencies, fault and usage management systems, Economic vs. Severity matrix for decision making.

    • Failure analysis techniques and Tutorials : FMEA, FMECA, FTA, RCFA.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

1. Appraise engineered asset failures and its complexities in defining at different levels and scenarios.

2. Explain the principles of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) in structures and demonstrate their application to cracks in brittle, ductile and fibre composites through calculation of static failure conditions.

3. Apply fracture mechanics to failure of cracked structures under cyclic loads and evaluate and predict service lives of structures.

4. Assess system and sub-system interdependencies to decide asset failure.

5. Evaluate asset failures by using failure analysis techniques.

Materials Selection and Design

    To provide you with the knowledge and skills required to enable you to carry out the selection of appropriate materials for a wide range of engineering and other applications in a sustainable way.
    • - Principles of materials selection: Materials selection procedures. Check lists. Elementary stressing calculations. Choice of fabrication techniques. Case studies. Data sources. Material selection group exercise. Material selection individual exercise.
    • - Specific polymers and composites: The structure, properties, processing characteristics and applications for the commercially important polymers. General classes of polymers: commodity, engineering and speciality thermoplastics, thermosetting resins, rubbers. Variation in behaviour within families of polymers: crystallinity, rubber toughened grades; reinforced and filled polymers.
    • - Specific metals, alloys: The metallurgy, properties, applications and potentialities of metals and alloys in a wide variety of engineering environments. Specific metals and alloys both for general use and for more demanding applications. Titanium, nickel and magnesium based alloys, intermetallics, steels. The design of alloys, current developments in the field of light alloys, steels, high temperature materials. Development of current aerospace aluminium alloys: precipitation hardening, effect of precipitates on mechanical properties, designation of aluminium alloys, alloys based on Al-Cu, alloys based on Al-Zn.
    • - Introduction to engineering ceramics: introduction to particulate engineering, thermodynamic and kinetic requirements for powder processing, Interparticle forces.
    • - Ceramic forming techniques, Sintering and densification, processing related properties of ceramics: structural and functional.
    • - Eco-audit, critical and sustainable materials .
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Recognise and examine a wide range of materials and their properties to undertake materials selection effectively, using appropriate reference sources (books, data sheets, computer databases).
  2. 2. Evaluate materials with respect to material properties, manufacturing processes and sustainability issues for a given design specification or application.
  3. 3. Use and appraise a systematic approach to the selection of material(s) to meet the requirements of a component design brief.
  4. 4. Prepare and present effective oral or written presentations to justify materials selection. .

Functional Materials for Aerospace Sustainability​


    To provide specialist training in functional materials and devices for applications in aerospace and space. The module will explore the way that functional and nano materials can be used and structured for sustainable energy, decarbonisation and aerospace.

    Functional materials for energy
    • Production, storage and use of hydrogen as an energy carrier.
    • Electrochemical energy storage, alternative energy storage.
    • Graphene.

    Materials and devices for aerospace sustainability

    • Radiation detectors in space.
    • Battery & supercapacitor technologies.
    • Photo, thermo, electrochromic devices.
    • PV & solar cells.
    • Sensors and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Describe the operation of a range of components and devices derived from functional materials.
  2. 2. Select and develop a functional material solution for different environmental situations and for decarbonisation.
  3. 3. Design or critique devices with a functional material application in the context of aerospace, decarbonisation or similar.

Composites Manufacturing for High Performance Structures


    ​To provide a detailed awareness of current and emerging manufacturing technology for high performance composite components and structures and an understanding of materials selection and the design process for effective parts manufacturing.

    • Background to thermosetting and thermoplastic polymer matrix composites.
    • Practical demonstrations – lab work.
    • Overview of established manufacturing processes, developing processes, automation and machining.
    • Introduction to emerging process developments; automation, textile preforming, through thickness reinforcement.
    • Design for manufacture, assembly techniques and manufacturing cost.
    • Case studies from aerospace, automotive, motorsport, marine and energy sectors.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Compare manufacturing processes employed for thermosetting resin composites and thermoplastic resin composites.
  2. 2. Propose appropriate manufacturing techniques for a given composite structure/ application and identify current areas of technology development for composites processing.
  3. 3. Differentiate between handling and use of prepregs and a range of fibre forms and resins for manufacture of high performance composite structures.
  4. 4. Apply the design process for high performance composite structures and appraise the influence on design to the manufacturing process.
  5. 5. Evaluate performance-cost balance implications of materials and process choice.

​Surface Engineering and Coating Systems DesignÌý

    To introduce the concepts of surface engineering and how surface engineering and coating design may be used to optimise a component’s performance .using a systems design approach.
      • Philosophy of surface engineering, general applications and requirements.
      • Basic principles of electrochemistry and aqueous corrosion processes.
      • Friction and Wear: Abrasive, erosive and sliding wear. The interaction between wear and corrosion.
      • Analytical Techniques: X-ray diffraction, TEM, SEM and EDX, WDX analysis, surface analysis by AES, XPS and SIMS.
      • Surface engineering as part of a manufacturing process.
      • Integrating coating systems into the design process.
      • Coating manufacturing processes.
      • Electro deposition, flame spraying, plasma spray, sol-gel.
      • Physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, ion beam.
      • Coating systems for corrosion and wear protection.
      • Coating systems for gas turbines.
      • New coating concepts including multi-layer structures, functionally gradient materials, intermetallic barrier coatings and thermal barrier coatings.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Demonstrate a practical understanding of surface engineering as part of the design of manufacturing process.
  2. 2. Critically appraise new coating concepts. Describe and select appropriate coating manufacturing processes, giving examples of their applications.
  3. 3. Select and recommend techniques to characterise surfaces and describe analytical principles.
  4. 4. Describe oxidation and corrosion processes, including the factors that control the rates of corrosion. Critically discuss types of corrosion damage, the conditions under which they occur and methods of corrosion control.
  5. 5. Predict the behaviour of friction and wear, including abrasive, erosive and sliding wear. Design for wear resistance, including the selection of suitable coating systems.

Elective modules
One of the modules from the following list needs to be taken as part of this course.

Finite Element Analysis

    Provide you with both an introduction to the theory underpinning finite element analysis (FEA) and hands on experience using the well-established FEA package.
    • Overview of element discretisation, FEA method, pre-processing, solution and post-processing, basic terminology, range of applications.
    • Introduction to concepts of constitutive equations for linear elasticity.
    • Introduction to concepts of nodal displacement, element shape functions for 1D and 2D linear-elastic structures.
    • Introduction of FEA matrices, equations and critical steps to an FEA solution.
    • Presentation of commercial FEA software packages.
    • Presentation of FEA for mechanical analysis using various element types: bars, beams, 2D, 3D, shell elements.
    • Presentation of FEA for heat transfer analysis, equivalence with other field problems, convergence issue, boundary conditions, model creation and solution.
    • Presentation of CAD model, meshing, symmetry, model development, implementation of force boundary conditions, solution, and post processor analysis.
    • Advanced FEA analysis: geometric non-linearity, material non-linearity, contact problems, dynamic problems, and explicit solution.
    • Applications of FEA to enhanced mechanical designs: Optimisation.
    • Case studies on metallic and composite structures.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Recognise finite element analysis (FEA) methodology and uses by comparing principles, assumptions and case studies to state-of-the-art.
  2. 2. Recognise and examine the limitations associated with the use of FEA in actual applications.
  3. 3. Demonstrate an approach for solving a range of actual problems.
  4. 4. Evaluate considerations for applying FEA to component modelling.
  5. 5. Critically assess the results obtained from FEA by comparing FEA solutions from fundamental matrix operations, constitutive equations and a commercial software.

​​​Modelling Engineering Materials​

    ​​​To introduce the basic principles and fundamentals techniques of computational materials with special focus on structure, properties, and processes relationships​.
    • Multiscale modelling though mechanistic and data-driven approaches.
    • Modelling Engineering Materials Design vs Materials Selection.
    • ​Atomic Scale Methods: Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics.
    • ​Mesoscopic Methods: Phase-field, Cellular automata, Monte Carlo approaches.
    • ​Machine learning approaches applied to materials science.
    • ​Uncertainty quantification, verification, and validation through modelling and experiment integration.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. 1. Recognise systematically the concepts and principles underpinning modelling engineering materials and their applications to engineering problems.
  2. 2. Distinguish modelling engineering solutions related to materials structure, properties, and processes relationships.
  3. 3. Assess appropriate materials modelling techniques to address engineering challenges.
  4. 4. Formulate opportunities to implement integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) approaches to address engineering problems.
  5. 5. Apply the principles and application of uncertainty quantification by implementing verification and validation approaches.

Teaching team

You will be taught by experts from Cranfield and industry with substantial experience in teaching, project supervision, research and consultancy. The academics have published in leading journals and books and worked closely with world-class manufacturers. The Course Director for this programme is Dr Sue Impey and the Admissions Tutor for this programme is Dr Iva Chianella.


The Aerospace Materials MSc is accredited by the (IMechE), the (RAeS), (IOM3) and (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Cranfield Manufacturing and Materials is proud to have continuous accreditation with the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) for over 20 years.

Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to show that they have satisfied the educational base for CEng registration.

Please note accreditation applies to the MSc award, PgDip and PgCert (if offered) do not meet in full the further learning requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Your career

This qualification takes you on to professional occupations in wide range of aerospace or aerospace related companies, research and development, at forefront of innovative engineering and materials manufacturing technology. Some go into senior engineering positions in the aerospace industry whereas other pursue exciting careers in emerging fields or sustainability start-ups. Many graduates find employment with one of their project sponsors.

On completion of this MSc, graduates have a broader network of global contacts, increased opportunities for individual specialism and a wide range of career options involving materials with responsibilities in research, development, design, engineering, consultancy and management.

Our graduates find careers with global industries alongside innovative start-ups and SMEs which have included:

  • Airbus
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Safran
  • GKN Aerospace
  • Assystem UK
  • GE Aviation
  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • Mercedes

Job roles our students go into include:

  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Aerospace Systems Test Engineer
  • Composite Process Development Engineer
  • Composites Manufacturing Engineer
  • Eco-Design Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Materials Engineer
  • R&T Materials and Processes Engineer

Some graduates prefer to stay in academia and enter into research at universities across Europe. Most continue in a career associated with engineering and materials, seeking solutions to industries' challenges across the whole spectrum of civil, electrical, energy, industrial, manufacturing and transportation activities.

Explore careers in manufacturing with our 'Making an impact in the manufacturing industry' brochure. This brochure highlights journeys taken by professionals in the manufacturing industry through different roles and technologies, as well as providing some key tips to guide you along the way.

Cranfield’s Career Service is dedicated to helping you meet your career aspirations. You will have access to career coaching and advice, CV development, interview practice, access to hundreds of available jobs via our Symplicity platform and opportunities to meet recruiting employers at our careers fairs. Our strong reputation and links with potential employers provide you with outstanding opportunities to secure interesting jobs and develop successful careers. Support continues after graduation and as a Cranfield alumnus, you have free life-long access to a range of career resources to help you continue your education and enhance your career.


Part-time route

We welcome students looking to enhance their career prospects whilst continuing in full-time employment. The part-time study option that we offer is designed to provide a manageable balance that allows you to continue employment with minimal disruption whilst also benefiting from the full breadth of learning opportunities and facilities available to all students. The University is very well located for visiting part-time students from all over the world and offers a range of library and support facilities to support your studies.

As a part-time student you will be required to attend teaching on campus in one-week blocks (modules), for a total of 8 modules over the 2-3 year period that you are with us. Teaching modules are typically run during the period from October to March, followed by independent study and project work where contact with your supervisors and cohort can take place in person or online. Students looking to study towards the MSc will commence their studies in the October intake whereas students who opt for a MSc by Research may commence either in October or January.

We believe that this setup allows you to personally and professionally manage your time between work, study and family commitments, whilst also working towards achieving a Master's degree.

How to apply

Click on the ‘Apply now’ button below to start your online application.

See our Application guide for information on our application process and entry requirements.