This module can be taken as a Short Course for Credit or a Standalone Short Course.

Please go to the 'Upgrade to a professional qualification' section for more information.

This one week module provides the underpinning science to aspects of military survivability pertaining to blast, and ballistic impact including armour technology. Ballistic and explosive effects demonstrations are included.

At a glance

  • Dates
    • Please enquire for course dates
  • Duration5 days
  • LocationÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ at Shrivenham
  • Cost£2,350 - Short Course for Credit fee 

    £2,100 - Standalone Short Course fee 

Course structure

Lectures, practical sessions, demonstrations, computer modelling, hands-on examination of vehicles and body armour.

What you will learn

This course is designed to give a comprehensive understanding of armour technology with respect to vehicles, personnel and force protection.

On successful completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Explain the layered approach to survivability and identify the engineering and operational approaches that may be used at each level to enhance the chance of surviving.
  • Describe the mechanisms of armour penetration and differentiate between hydrodynamic and sub-hydrodynamic regimes, and employ the correct terminology in describing terminal ballistic events.
  • Evaluate the relative merits of various penetration prediction methods and select and implement the appropriate methodology successfully.
  • Apply engineering judgement to balancing the trade-offs between protection, performance and mobility, producing clear and concise reports detailing their recommendations.
  • Discuss with practitioners the fundamentals of survivability in relation to buildings, vehicles and personnel.
  • Have developed an autonomous approach to learning in this rapidly changing field of knowledge.

Core content

  • Extent and constraints on survivability and the requirements of survivability within different theatres,
  • Terminal ballistics and armour materials, hydrodynamic and sub-hydrodynamic penetration,
  • Penetration mechanisms and design against penetration,
  • Choice of materials against protection and fabrication criteria,
  • Armour systems including complex armour, body armour and protection against mine threats. prediction of armour performance including analytical and numerical methods survival in depth and the layered approach,
  • Electronic systems for protection including battlefield ID, defensive aids suites and electro optic protection,
  • Human vulnerability and the mitigation of threats,
  • Integrated survivability and its analysis including analytical methods, modelling and simulation,
  • Survivability against Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear threats including typical threats, detection, individual protection and collective protection,
  • An appreciation of of the influence of autonomy in the survivability domain.

Upgrade to a professional qualification

When taken as a Short Course for Credit, 10 credit points can be put towards either the Defence and Security (Engineering) MSc, Gun Systems Design MSc or Military Vehicle Technology MSc.

Find out more about short course credit points.

Who should attend

This course is suitable for those with a background in science or engineering, procurement and/ or research and development. Industrial researchers and MoD employees working in vehicle or personal survivability, armour design or procurement of vehicle and personal armour will find this course useful.

Location and travel

Cranfield Defence and Security (CDS) is a Cranfield School based at the Ministry of Defence establishment on the Oxfordshire/Wiltshire borders.

Shrivenham itself lies in the picturesque Vale of the White Horse, close to the M4 motorway which links London and South Wales. It is 7 miles from Swindon, the nearest town, which lies off the M4 at the hub of Britain’s motorway network.

Bath, Cheltenham, Bristol and Oxford are all within an hour’s drive and London less than two hours away by car.

All visitors must be pre-booked in at reception by the person they are visiting on the campus.

For further location and travel details

How to apply

To apply for this course please use the online application form.

Read our Professional development (CPD) booking conditions.