Our expertise in computing, simulation and modelling underpins our research across all of our sectors. Whether we are simulating aerodynamic flows for an automotive client or modelling investment risk for a financial services business, we are able to deploy our skills to analyse, design or evaluate a wide range of problems.
Applied Mathematics and Statistics – underpins our modelling and simulation coding. Includes the development and manipulation of mathematical objects.
Condition Monitoring – using modelling techniques to assess the structural health of components and structures including aircraft fuel systems, wind turbines and pipelines.
Pattern Recognition – for defence (threat identification) and road traffic patterns.
Combustion Modelling – providing a fundamental modelling capability for advanced fuels such as hydrogen, and ignition or small particle sprays simulation.
Financial Modelling – estimating risk and return on financial instruments through the development and testing of advanced codes.
Distributed Computing & e-Science – problems related to the use of cluster, grid, and cloud computing resources, with a focus on engineering and science applications.
We work with clients across an extensive range of industries. Some examples of our business partners include Airbus, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Excelian, FactSet, Jaguar Landrover, Ocado, Rolls Royce and Selex ES.
We have also undertaken research projects with organisations such as the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Innovate UK as well as the European Union.
Our facilities
Our high performance computing facilities include Crescent with 1488-cores and 28 TeraFlops performance and the 60 TeraFlops, 1976 core HPC Delta. This enables us to implement distributed, high performance computing solutions. Some of our academics are able to access ARCHER, the UK's most powerful supercomputer, capable of over 3000 TeraFlops. We use this supercomputer to undertake very large complex reacting flow CFD simulations.
We have a wide-range of local servers providing numerical computing capability. We use Amazon and Microsoft cloud computing services in addition to our own.
Industry-standard software is used across our postgraduate degree courses, allowing students the opportunity to become familiar with packages they might encounter in the workplace. Examples include ANSYS, Fluent, CATIA, @Risk and SPSS.
Working with us
Our work with business and research partners begins with developing an understanding the key drivers that are currently of importance – whether it’s reduction of time due to increased efficiency, improvement to reliability or to minimise cost. This ensures our solutions will be of maximum value.
Examples of advanced techniques we can utilise include:
• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
• Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
• Computed Aided Engineering (CAE)
• Computer Aided Design (CAD)
These are employed to address a number of client problems and decisions. We might be required to analyse, measure or simulate scenarios or environmental conditions, and make appropriate recommendations. We undertake feasibility or optimisation studies which involve modelling designs or modifying properties before assessing likely impact.
We work with businesses to understand and minimise uncertainties where potential risk cannot be evaluated using traditional methods, through the use of techniques such as sensitivity analysis. For design applications, this can reduce time and cost considerably compared to developing multiple prototypes. This is particularly important for industries where strict design standards and regulations must be adhered to.
Where our clients require the development of advanced computing software, we are able to provide bespoke solutions which can be readily implemented within the organisation.
Computing is a major element of our postgraduate degree courses, with our postgraduate student community able to work on client projects. Projects are supervised by our academic experts and results can be delivered in a matter of months. We have a large portfolio of short courses which offer a practical insight into computing, simulation and modelling techniques and software for each of our sectors.